
For the reader: Though the narrator is clearly shown, the narrator does not answer questions for the character Sayuri, but rather acts as an arbitrary medium. Also, I was told that this strove limits its audience, but I have learned through experience that it's the audience who limits the story. With this thought in mind, the reader should drop all mental restraints and delve into the creative (cess)pool we all have inside ourselves. Now if you will, please fade in:

Narrator is: Narrator:

A.L.F.: (<*>..<*>) (<?>..<?>) (<$>..<&>) (<+>..<+>) (<:>..<:>) 

Always, Sayuri: :o :0 :< :} J L

With special guest star: Magica da Spell

Magica da Spell: "We have lift off!"

Beyond the bamboo curtain Sayuri lay, high as a kite and dazzled by the swirling multi-colored lights that glowed through the smoke that billowed from the burning incense nearby the bed where he transcended Earth. 'simple times, we think as two, in Paradise, I'll drown with you, still searching skys...' played 3-d from his stereo, which lent him his auditory hallucinations, though presently he floated amongst the clouds, felt gooey like glue and shiny like green Jell-O.

Narrator: Disintegrate Sayuri! Amalgamate into inner space.

:0 : Who is that? Where are you? ("Where am I?" Sayuri asked himself.)

Narrator (imitating Dorothy): We must be up inside the sidewinder!

:0 : Sidewinder?

Narrator (imitating Dot): Who will come to save us poor ants? [from being 'Departmental,' a poem by Robert Frost]

:0 : Whoa! What's happening to me?

Narrator: Push! Give me one more good push!


Narrator: I see it... it's coming! Come on, you can do it!

:0 : OhGodHelpMe!

Narrator: Congratulations! There's a new planet in the stars tonight.

:0 : No... It's not a planet. It's a city. Gion. My unblemished baby...old as plant life, though it always feels like the first time seeing it.

Let me devour you...

Narrator: Swim Sayuri, swim away...

"Welcome to Gion! The Sensory City of Whatever You Make It." (<*>.. <*>)

"Gion?" :< repeated in a stupor, then asked, "How did I get here?"

"By your star cruiser." (<?>.. <?>)

"Star cruiser?" :0

"Yes, the one the size of early morning dew." (<*>.. <*>)

"Early morning dew?" L said slowly, and frowned because he did not yet understand. Then magically he smiled J because he did understand, and 'Ah-oh! The Dee'j is in trouble!'

"Before we part, would you mind if I downloaded your d(sc)reams?" (<?>..<?>)

"My d(sc)reams?" :0

"Yes!" (<!>.. <!>) "Your species have so many we can't. Especially the ones that bring out the be(a)st in me...I can pay you!" (<$>..<$>)

"Pay me?" 0

"Yes! One troggillion dollars! Good in all known sectors of Gion." (<0>..<0>)

"Sorry! But my d(sc)reams are not for sale." 0

"Your loss!" (<!>..<!>)

"No! You're lost, but still..." :0

'I know how you feel, I'm feeling it too...

"How could you ever be lost here? Never mind...Enjoy Gion!" (<+>..<+>)

"Wait! What do I do now?" :<

"Try sinking..." (<:>..<:>)

'...in Paradise, I'll drown with you..'

"I watched the alien melt away..." :o

Narrator: Sayuri watched the alien melt into the city and wondered if he might do the same? That thought converted energy forms as he became dizzy from involuntarily spinning in circles trying to assimilate his hypnotic environment.

"Look at me," every object d'art in Gion taunted. "Tocato me. Name me" They lethargically sang in a melody that was surreal and urgent. "Who can blame you?"

"Yes, who can blame a thief in a bank vault, if the bank vault invited him in?" :0 answered robotically, and almost immediately he began to feel a global meltdown of euphoric im(ex)plosion. "Take me farther. I want to see." :0 answered, and Gion answered, "Yes, before everyone gets swept away in the burning sea."

"With fluid steps, around the globe... "-Oscar Wilde

...now orbiting Gion, Sayuri gave himself an electrical shock and began orbiting his aura. Before all this hypnotica, he used to think walking on the Moon was ultra-groovy, but the electric city's (dis)illusions eclipsed the nocturnal mother forever. And Sayuri did nothing to save the natural nightlight from the tomb of forgotten art. Why should he care now, especially since his electrical shock, which relinquished his need for the Moon to mystify him. For in Gion, Sayuri was the Moon and Gion did everything in his imagination to keep him captivated.

J : Ha! Ha! Ha! That tickles my eyes!

Narrator: Sayuri, what tickles your eyes?

J : Those little people, peeking around the corner at me. See them? Right there! See? W(t)alking dolls. Hey! I wonder if they're the ones who slap me out of my sleep at night? And somehow, I periodically lose money or a shoe. Do you suppose they're ripping me off too? Those sneaky bastards!

Narrator: Do you h(f)ear anything?

L : I h(f)ear the silence between all time and space. It's similar to the sound of a scalpel falling and cutting into my already bleeding heart. I h(f)ear bombs exploding around me, in me, on me, and I never want to h(f)ear those things again. Rescue me...

Narrator: and, what do you taste?

:} : Nothing, though I am thirsty. I don't think I've ever been this thirsty before. This is camel strength thirsty. And I bet those flowers are thirsty too. Damn! They're already wilting away. Even the Magic Mushrooms. Where will the Smurfs live? Wait! Wait for me...

Narrator: See you later Sayuri! Have fun in metamorphosis.

"One day I will be a beautiful butterfly, and everything will be all better!" -A Bug's Life

Narrator: Sayuri exploded from his cocoon a hummingbird, and because of genetics he searched the city for a fix of nectar. He found all he would ever need, but aliens like him are never satisfied and he wondered if the nectar would be enough? Delighted with his decision of yes, he lounged in Gion, the Labyrinth City of cities the beguiled him like a Siren upon a carnivorous rock. And no matter how massive its traits, Sayuri could not feel un-special in a p(a)lace that always felt like a h(w)om(b)e.

He could remain in Gion, as long as Gion's heart kept pum-ping, pum-ping, pum-ping out sweet taboos that would satisfy his immaculate curiosity (killed the cat). But suddenly, he caught a shimmer of a world he once hovered, and being a seedling, he wanted to sprout... and did! (He wanted to spRout aNd diD!)

"I know that place there, and I'd like to go see again. Can't I go see?" :0

* *

( * * )

(<*> <*>)

(<*>..<*>) "To go there, you must leave Gion. Is that what you wish?"

"Yes!" J excitedly answered.

"Farewell then... I hope you find your way back again." (<*>..<*>)

"I'm sure if I did it once, I can do it better the second time around." J

Magica da Spell (imitating Dr. Spock): Beam me up, Scotty!

Narrator: Sayuri subsided himself, and flew through Gion sideways, exiting the city on East of Eden Blvd., which consisted of the elegant poor and delicious beautiful selling their beautiful flesh. This was a part of Gion Sayuri had not ventured into and like (n)ever would. 'Who cares?' He thought, traveling forward into the collective unconscious, not noticing Gion was disappearing behind him like des(f)ire that loses its spark. Gone! All gone. The kite string snapped, and Sayuri drifted into the comforting arms of sleep...

"Sweet d(sc)reams, Sayuri!" (<*>..<*>)

Narrator (singing to the curious): 'Man have you got the time? To make this Cosmic Climb?' (lyrics from 'Cosmic Climb' performed by Madonna)

Magica da Spell: On the count of three, you the reader will fade out from my mind.




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